Google Wave 邀请一枚,我是没什么用了,虽然现在也是白菜了,但是有些人还是需要,拿出来,谁看到了就拿去好了,但最好留言说一声啊.

Google Wave is a new online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using text, photos, videos, maps, and more. Learn more at

This is still an early preview of Google Wave, so you may run into some bumps along the way but we look forward to your feedback.

To accept your invitation, sign into Google Wave at the following link*:
(If you do not have a Google account, you will be prompted to create one)

Once you’ve signed in:
Check out the videos and example waves
Update your profile
Start waving!

Happy waving!
The Google Wave Team

For help, please visit

* This link will only work for one invitation to Google Wave, it cannot be shared!

另:还有Google Voice 四枚,要得联系我,当然确定你会注册.

每天第一件事,就是上网开邮箱,然后就看到这封“Google Wave Invites”的邮件,心里那个激动啊,要知道这个可是开发者账户啊,和一般的体验账户不同,这个里面可以开发应用,使用Google Wave 的Apis 等一系列更先进的功能,呵呵,兴奋自不必说了,为了大伙也能得到一个账户,不管是开发者还是普通体验着也好,我就说说该怎么去申请,这个账户,也不用看别人脸色,而是自力更生。先上图,我的开发者账号邀请。


但有一点不好的是,申请这个先要学会翻//墙,至于怎么翻//墙,我这里就不能多说了(不知道Girl Fire Walle 怎么想的,连这个也封).
